Are you a trustee?

Post by Mearns & Company in News

A new measure to prevent money laundering means trustees must now register with HMRC.

The government has introduced a new requirement for trustees to register details of their trust(s) with HMRC as part of its continuing anti-fraud strategy. For most existing trusts, the deadline registration date is 1 September 2022. New trusts will need to register within 90 days. Once registered, any changes to the trust must be reported by the trustees, also within 90 days.

Certain types of trust, such as property co-ownership trusts, are exempt, but many trusts that do not currently pay tax must be registered. The treatment of trusts linked to life assurance policies is particularly complex and has prompted HMRC to regularly update and expand its guidance. While a trust holding a simple term assurance policy that only pays out on death will not need to register, the treatment of investment-oriented policies is less clear cut.

Please get in touch if you think you may be affected by these new requirements or if you have any questions about a trust that you are involved with.


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