Our Process

Every client is different but this section gives you a flavour of what working with us would be like.

1. When you first get in touch

When you first get in touch, whether it’s via our website, by phone or email, we always make sure that we speak with you. This lets us have a good understanding of why you are getting in contact with us and gives you an idea of what we can do to help.

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2. Initial meeting

We will invite you to a meeting with one of our advisers. This is held either in our offices in Edinburgh or virtually using online meeting technology.

In advance of this meeting we will email you, asking you to:

  • complete some forms that gather information about you, your finances and your attitude to risk; and
  • bring certain information with you e.g ID for money laundering purposes or details of your current financial investments.

This lets us make sure that the meeting itself can be about you and not about admin!

This meeting is an opportunity for you to get a feel for us and how we work. We will discuss, define and agree what you want to achieve and establish if we can help you.

3. Our Proposal

Following our meeting, we will write to you with a detailed proposal. This lays out what we would do for you and the likely cost of our advice. We estimate this by considering the amount of time our various teams will need to research and consider your situation and goals.

We will give you our client agreement, which contains our terms of business. You need to sign this if you decide that you want us to go ahead, before we can proceed to preparing our report.

Our proposal remains valid for 30 days, and there is no obligation to accept. There is no fee to pay if you decide not to accept our proposal.

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4. Report

If you decide to appoint us, we will start our review and the drafting of our report. This typically takes eight weeks to prepare. Dependent on your circumstances and the number of product providers we have to correspond with. We will confirm an expected delivery date with you.

Your report will be specific to your situation, it will:

  • review your existing plans
  • confirm your goals
  • detail specific steps on how to achieve these

We provide the pros and cons of different courses of action or investments. We make detailed recommendations which we prioritise for you.

5. Implementation

Once you have reviewed your report we will then meet you a second time to discuss your report and our recommendations.

If you proceed with our recommendations we will help you with their implementation, such as completing any paperwork required, corresponding with financial product providers etc.

The processing and administration around financial products can discourage people from making changes. The size and experience of our administration and technical teams allows us to provide a great level of service in this area.

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6. Ongoing services

At our second meeting we will also discuss our on-going services. We can review your affairs regularly, either remotely with a written report sent out to you, or presented to you at a face to face meeting.

At each of these structured reviews we look at your current situation, consider any external factors like changes in tax legislation, check progress against your goals, and recommend any adjustments required in response to your circumstances.

Like what you see?

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you, please contact us

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