2015 Budget sheds a few pounds

Post by Mearns & Company in News

Some Budget announcements miss the Finance Act final cut

Democratic scrutiny does not always get the attention it deserves. Consider this year’s (first?) Budget, presented by the Chancellor on 18th March. It was followed by the issue of a 300+ page Finance Bill on 24th March. The Bill then went through three readings, a committee stage and a report stage in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, before receiving Royal Assent just two days later on 26th March.

The same frantic progress occurred five years ago, when the Budget and the election crashed into each other. With fixed term parliaments, this juxtaposition looks set to be a five-yearly problem. One consequence which has drawn little comment is the failure of some of Mr Osborne’s announcements to reach the Finance Act 2015…

Some Budget announcements miss the Finance Act final cut

The patchwork of legislation has created short-term opportunities until the new government is able to bring forward a Budget. Please contact us for more information.

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