Investment Advice

Do you have a good understanding of all your investments? Do you feel confident that your savings, whether they are pensions, investments or cash, are doing as well as they could be? Do you know how much you are paying in charges on them? Who helps you decide what to invest in?

What you are invested in can have a significant effect on whether you can meet your financial goals. Some investment products, such as pensions and ISAs, have significant tax advantages, so it is important to consider the product you invest in, but you also need to think about the actual investments that sit within these products. The investment landscape changes constantly so having your investments reviewed regularly is essential to ensure that you are on track.

How close or far away you are from your desired retirement date can make a big difference in what type of investments you should be holding. We can help you to understand whether your existing investments within your ISAs or pensions, for example, are suitable for your financial goals and attitude to risk.  Ethical investing has been gaining momentum over the years so if you have any ethical views, we can let you know if your existing investments support these, or advise on investments that would be suitable.

The amount of charges you are paying on your investments can add up, especially percentage charges that are based on the value of your investments.   Although investment providers are now required to make their charges transparent, it is difficult to work out exactly what you are being charged across all of your investments. We can help you to understand what you are paying and whether the investment performance and service you are receiving justify these charges.

Following our analysis of your existing investments and financial position, we may recommend new investments or changes to your current investments to help you:

  • Maximise the potential for better investment returns which would bring you closer to achieving your financial goals
  • Ensure that you are taking the level of risk you feel comfortable with
  • Ensure that your investments support your ethical views
  • Benefit from better service and more efficient administration
  • Benefit from more competitive charges

Once your new investment strategy is in place, we will monitor this as part of our ongoing review service, and we will either meet with you or report our findings to you regularly. This ensures that your investments remain suitable for your attitude to risk, financial goals, current economic and financial conditions, and any life events such as retirement.

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