Summer 2015 newsletter

Post by Mearns & Company in News

The last few months have seen the country in the grip of election fever, but now it’s over and it’s time for the government to get to work on their promises and deliver the second Budget of the year. There are going to be many changes coming up over the course of 2015 and we have addressed some of the most important issues that are going to affect you and your business, so sit back and enjoy reading your summer 2015 newsletter.

Our feature this edition is Pensions freedom – what’s in store. With the bulk of the pension reforms now in place, here is a reminder that it’s never too early to start thinking about your pension and arming yourself with as much information as possible about what is yet to come.

Our other stories include:

• The investment process –science not art
We explain the ways in which an investment portfolio is designed.

• Income protection: looking out for your vital resource
Your ability to work allows you to keep a roof over your head and feed and clothe yourself. What would happen if you were unable to work due to illness? Perhaps it’s time to think about income protection.

• Post-election financial planning
The surprise election result has removed some potential tax increases, but a variety of delayed tax measures and manifesto promises remain.

As usual, there is plenty of information in the newsletter to absorb, so let us know if you’d like more information on any of these topics. You can read our full budget summary here.

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