Summer Forum 2019 – a great success

Post by Mearns & Company in News

On Thursday 20th June, we were proud to host Iain Duff, Deputy Agent for Scotland with the Bank of England, as our guest speaker at our Summer Forum 2019.

Iain gave our guests the Bank of England’s view on the UK economy plus some specific comments on the Scottish economy.

It was interesting to note the effect that the uncertainty of Brexit has had on the UK economy, and to learn of the Bank’s outlook in the event of a ‘smooth Brexit’ plus other scenarios.

During the introduction, our Client Strategy Director, Malcolm Steel held a live poll. We discovered that, in the room, people felt generally good about their own financial situations, but when asked about the outlook generally for the economy they were not so positive. This sentiment was echoed in the Bank’s research – which was very interesting.

Our guests took away some valuable insights and there were lots of great questions posed by the audience both during the presentation, and in the Q&A session afterwards.

We were pleased to receive great feedback from the attendees at the event, who commented positively on both Iain’s talk, and also the venue, made available by our friends at Whitespace.

We would like to thank Iain for joining us as our guest speaker and also thank all of our guests, whose contributions made the event a great success. Whitespace, King’s Stables Road, was an excellent venue, and the staff there were fantastic.

We always welcome suggestions for future seminars from our clients. Please get in touch with us if you do have a topic that you would like to hear more about.


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